Wednesday 5 November 2014

Stupid post and comment

Hi everyone!! Today I want to share with you guys some of the cookie that my mom make. Hahaha, kidding. Its about some of the post and comment that I find sometime stupid and senseless since I have time before my isyak prayer. Okay, here it goes, it happening a lot recently. When someone decided to post something stupid, there will be a stupid comment will follow, or maybe some decent post and a stupid comment, it will not separated. I'm my country, MALAYSIA there are many case of student bulying there junior, where they keep punching and kicking the juniour. Instantly, it became viral in the fb, twitter and other social and printed media. Of course when it became famous like that, everyone want to show their inteligence by posting the video with a, very rude and insensitive caption. And also a comment that follow are rather stupid as well, and my ex lecturer also did it. I don't want to point finger to who should be blame. I just want this trend to stop because if it doesn't stop, I fear there will be consequences that will follow. The end....

Tuesday 4 November 2014


Hi everyone!! Today I want to share with you guys my thought about war. Recently, I watched the news and it hit me like a aimlessly flying baseball, that most of the news report is about war. Syria, iran, afghanistan, rusia, ukraine, palestine, and ISIS. I wonder what exactly brought up to this war? All nation had their own land, resources for food, water and shelters, technologhy. I mean what is the point, tearing up other country just to make them suffer? Can't you guys remember when we are kids, when the teacher ask do you like wars and all the students answer no? War brought nothing but suffering and lost of family members. Its funny when the attacking country said that they were attacked back by the country that they attacked. Of course they will attacked back, you the one who entered their home in the first place and start shooting at their family isn't  it? The other thing that I didn't like about the war is when islam are the one getting blame. Okay guys hear me out, first of all islam does not encourage war but ask us to find a peacefull way to solved a conflict. People are wrong by their action, not their religion. Another thing, I want you guys to understand something. Isis is not real islam. Islam is a religion of peace and "real democracy" rather than today understanding of democracy. Islam never tell its follower to kill, they ask us to keep peace like what our prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W do. And I believe otjer religion is the same. I just hope one day when I wake up in the morning the first news that I heard I war has ended in all country.. good night...

Sunday 2 November 2014

Hi everyone!!! I'm back after just about 2 minute of leaving hahahah. Actually i couldn't sleep, so i decide to write about something that occur to me just few moments ago. FEAR. Yes, fear. i got frighten by my cat because i didn't see him stalking me from the other side of the room. Ever see a moving and walking laundry? yeah.. my cat did that to me. What actually is fear? Well according to psychiatrist, fear is an emotion trigger by a horibble past memories or towards an unknown thing that mental use to make human or even animal to be ore cautious. as example, a man who once got into an accident, fear to go near any car as the result of the case. or me who ever once fall in love and got rejected, feared to fall in love again. true story folks!! hahaha. well, forget about me and continue to the current topic. but, some people has developed an immunity to the thing that are feared by many people, for instance alien, flying ball (don't question me about this, it can be teryfying when it come towards you like a bullet train!!) and even death. if you ask me there are many thing to be feared it self in this world. but, without fear there wont be any continuation in our life because just think about it. without fear anyone will be stupid enough to jump in front of a speeding car right?


malam ni menyasikkan PAHANG menang keatas JDT melalui penentuan penalti. Gua betul2 gembira dengan pencapaian skuad tok gajah ni, bila dengar komen yang menyakitkan hati dari orang yang berangan terer mengatakan bahawa pahang akan kalah lepastu pahang menang.. aq betul2 nak tngok air muka pengulas tu hahaha. tapi kemenangan pahang perlu dikreditkan kepada Mat yo sebab tanpa dia yang takdapat jaringkan gol semasa penentuan tu kemungkinan untuk pahang kalah tu ada. walau tak besar tapi ada gak hahaha. berkat doa penyokong juga adalah salah satu penyebab kemenangan pahang. akhir kata dari gua maju lah sukan untuk negara hahhaha, malam ni gua dapat tidur dengan aman dowh!!!!