Wednesday 5 November 2014

Stupid post and comment

Hi everyone!! Today I want to share with you guys some of the cookie that my mom make. Hahaha, kidding. Its about some of the post and comment that I find sometime stupid and senseless since I have time before my isyak prayer. Okay, here it goes, it happening a lot recently. When someone decided to post something stupid, there will be a stupid comment will follow, or maybe some decent post and a stupid comment, it will not separated. I'm my country, MALAYSIA there are many case of student bulying there junior, where they keep punching and kicking the juniour. Instantly, it became viral in the fb, twitter and other social and printed media. Of course when it became famous like that, everyone want to show their inteligence by posting the video with a, very rude and insensitive caption. And also a comment that follow are rather stupid as well, and my ex lecturer also did it. I don't want to point finger to who should be blame. I just want this trend to stop because if it doesn't stop, I fear there will be consequences that will follow. The end....

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