Tuesday 4 November 2014


Hi everyone!! Today I want to share with you guys my thought about war. Recently, I watched the news and it hit me like a aimlessly flying baseball, that most of the news report is about war. Syria, iran, afghanistan, rusia, ukraine, palestine, and ISIS. I wonder what exactly brought up to this war? All nation had their own land, resources for food, water and shelters, technologhy. I mean what is the point, tearing up other country just to make them suffer? Can't you guys remember when we are kids, when the teacher ask do you like wars and all the students answer no? War brought nothing but suffering and lost of family members. Its funny when the attacking country said that they were attacked back by the country that they attacked. Of course they will attacked back, you the one who entered their home in the first place and start shooting at their family isn't  it? The other thing that I didn't like about the war is when islam are the one getting blame. Okay guys hear me out, first of all islam does not encourage war but ask us to find a peacefull way to solved a conflict. People are wrong by their action, not their religion. Another thing, I want you guys to understand something. Isis is not real islam. Islam is a religion of peace and "real democracy" rather than today understanding of democracy. Islam never tell its follower to kill, they ask us to keep peace like what our prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W do. And I believe otjer religion is the same. I just hope one day when I wake up in the morning the first news that I heard I war has ended in all country.. good night...

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